'Restaurant details: Name: Candy Shop Address: 27 Hildon Place Colombo-04 Found the phone number, Yeay!! - 077 707 0351 Check it out in Uber. A must try place. -------------------------------- Food item prices: Chicken Cheese kottu (Quater chicken, Almarai Cheese, Chillie paste) - 490/- Chicken kottu had a lot of Almarai cheese. Rich Cake (wedding cake)- 260/- ---------------------------------- Food Fiction You can contact us on: GMAIL: [email protected] Our Facebook Page ID:FAMM Foodies Our Instagram ID: @fammfoodies ---------------------------------- My Instagram ID: fazeel.faizal My Facebook ID: Fazeel Faizal #foodreview #Forallfoodlovers #foodies #Srilanakanfoodreview #Cheeesekottu Sri-Lankan Food Review.'
Tags: Cake , Sri lankan Food , cheese kottu sri lanka , weddingcake , cheese koththu , #cheesekottu , chilliepaste , chilli paste , rich cake
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